Our Ambassador program has been suspended indefinitely
Flip Flop to the World's Ambassador is chosen through our annual fundraiser,
Ambassador Headshot/Essay Competition. A contestant can submit up to three headshots, along with an essay of up to 500 words on what volunteerism means to her,
and a panel of independent judges will choose the winner.
Competition is scored 50% headshot and 50% essay.
Our Ambassador doesn't just wear a beautiful crown, but wears a beautiful heart, as well! Her title is that of a working queen, serving others with the Hope, Love, and Encouragement that is foundational to this charity. Our Ambassador will make public appearances to promote this charity, along with sharing the importance of Loving, Living, and Giving; not to mention the value and importance of VOLUNTEERISM. She will be a true representative of:
GIVE... so that others can Live! ♥
* * * * *
Lifetime Ambassador
Penelope Rivera
“They say love is the best investment; the more you give, the more you get in return.”
- Audrey Hepburn

I cannot say enough about this young lady, Penelope! Penny was FLIP FLOP to the WORLD's 2019 Jr. National Ambassador and did an OUTSTANDING job! Her creativity, ingenuity and entrepreneurship amazes us!
But, before she was even our 2019 Ambassador, Penny served FFttW with her whole heart; collecting hundreds of flip flops every year since 2016, with her sister Summer.
From the very beginning of her love for FFttW, Penny has enlisted the people and businesses of her town in her annual flip flop campaigns. Her Mayor and City Council even recognized her at their city council meeting! And, she's the one that birthed the idea for our recent Facebook live Ambassador Storytime during the Coronavirus isolation!
But, most impressive is Penny's beautiful heart, full of love for other people. She finds great joy in serving others and giving to them. And, that is what it is all about. Penny didn't seek a crown in order to give and love. She gives and loves because that's who she is in her core.
And, this is why Penelope Rivera is now our inaugural LIFETIME AMBASSADOR! ♥